Focus Areas

The Global Observatory for Gender Equality and Sport

Advancing progress for women, physical education, physical activity and sport

Pillar 1

Act as a Centralized Repository and
Knowledge Hub

Consolidate existing research, knowledge initiatives, expertise, and campaigns, gather good practices, develop evidence-based capacity-building programmes, and stimulate innovative and strategic research to bridge existing gaps.

Strategic priority 1.1: Foster cross-sector and cross- regional partnerships to advance research, provide evidence and establish independent, harmonized monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methodologies. This includes mobilizing expertise, centralizing multidisciplinary research networks, and promoting cross sector analyses and learning on gender equality and sport commitments across all regions globally.  

Strategic priority 1.2: Support the advancement of multidisciplinary knowledge generation, participatory action- oriented research (PAR), and intersectional analyses to 
drive and accelerate progress with cross-sector and -region partnerships, policy development, and evidence-based programmes.  

Strategic priority 1.3: Document and develop unified and standardized scorecards by leveraging existing indicators and developing new ones where necessary. These scorecards will facilitate independent monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to track progress, ensure consistency and comparability across different targets and regions in order to uphold accountability.  

Strategic priority 1.4: Support governmental and non- governmental stakeholders, worldwide, with data, evidence, and technical support to develop, implement, and track gender strategies and action plans to advance gender equality in and through PEPAS.  

Pillar 2

Connect, Coordinate, Convene and Activate

Support a collaborative and coherent intersectional movement for gender equality, women’s empowerment and inclusion in and through PEPAS.

Strategic priority 2.1: Mobilize diverse partners such as governments, UN and other development partners, international sport federations and bodies, civil society/ communities organizations, private sector and research institutions, coalitions and networks. 

Strategic priority 2.2: Coordination support for UN and development partners’ policies, strategies, programmes, initiatives and campaigns, thereby enhancing coherence, efficiency and impact. 

Strategic priority 2.3: Recognizing that an intersectional, multisectoral and holistic approach is key, we aim to connect and convene across regions, sectors and issues to address the intersecting and multiple drivers of gender inequality. 

Strategic priority 2.4: Coordinate a comprehensive and consortium approach for collective action and to maximize impact on communities.  

Pillar 3

Advocacy and Communications
Provide a high-level advocacy platform for swift dissemination of information, amplification of messages, and mobilization of support to drive and achieve desired actions and impactful results, respectively. Simultaneously, provide an inclusive space for all stakeholders to contribute and shape responses.

Strategic priority 3.1: Strengthen and amplify messaging and diversify and expand the community of support.  

Strategic priority 3.2: Provide the data, advocacy, networks and connections to support the mobilisation of resources and inform investments for programmes.  







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