About the Good Practice Stories
Global Observatory for Gender Equality & Sport
Advancing the empowerment, health and overall well-being of women and girls in all their diversity

Across the world, individuals and organizations are driving meaningful change to advance gender equality in and through sport, physical education, and physical activity (PEPAS). The Good Practice Stories (GPS) showcase case studies, innovative approaches, impactful programs, and lessons learned from diverse contexts. Each story highlights strategies, challenges overcome, and key takeaways to inspire and inform policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and advocates.
Explore the stories to discover real-world solutions and be part of the movement for gender equality in sport, physical activity and physical education.
The Project
The Global Observatory’s Good Practice Stories is a centralized platform for qualitative case studies and research on gender equality in sports.It documents good practices and case studies related to policies and programmes aimed at advancing the opportunities, empowerment, health and rights of women and girls in all their diversity in and through PEPAS.
The Good Practice Stories feature good practice case studies on a range of thematics that show case the contribution sport, physical activity and physical education makes to addressing SDG5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. GPS will address critical topics like gender-based violence, leadership and governance, media representations, policy initiatives, forced migration, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), inclusion and participation in grassroots and community settings, informal sport and recreational activities, physical education contexts, the portrayal of women in media, methods (e.g. participatory methods), and bridging the gender and race pay gap, among others.
By sharing experiences and fostering collaboration, the portal seeks to advance practices, inform research, and support effective policymaking and programme implementation globally.
The Objectives
The Good Practice Stories aim to strengthen gender equality efforts in PEPAS by:
- Demonstrate sports contribution to SDG5: Gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls
- Developing a repository of diverse qualitative case studies and research from around the world, documenting experiences of countries and various stakeholders (decision-makers, implementers, academia, sports bodies, civil society, UN partners, etc.) in designing and implementing gender equality and PEPAS policies and programmes.
- Pooling together normative tools and providing guidance for Member States and other stakeholders (donors and civil society) to support efforts in advancing gender equality in and through PEPAS.
- Establishing a globally inclusive advocacy platform that empowers diverse stakeholders to share their case studies and good practices, serving as both a knowledge exchange repository and a catalyst for fostering a cohesive global community committed to promoting gender equality in and through PEPAS.
The GO’s accepts submissions for the Good Practice Stories on an ongoing basis. It is possible to make a submission at any time.
- You must submit your story by completing the Good Practice Story submission form.
- You can download a pdf. template of the Good Practice Story questions here.
Once submitted the GPS will undergo a review from the Global Observatory members, experts and strategic partners.
Authors may be asked to make changes to their submission after the review. Once changes have been received by the Global Observatory, the GPS will be prepared for publication on the Global Observatory website and sharing through the GO networks.
We invite organizations, researchers, and practitioners to submit their good practice stories and case studies that demonstrate successful initiatives advancing gender equality in PEPAS.
If you have an experience or project that could inspire others, we want to hear from you!
Complete the Good Practice Story submission form.
Latest GO Good Practice Stories
Girls Positive and Safe Coaching Pathway
Country International Organisation TAFISAKey Words Safeguarding, Coaching, Grassroots, Equity, Capacity Building...
SDGsFootVacances: Raising awareness & Teaching men about positive masculinity and the act of social cohesion through sports
Country Cameroon Organisation Women for a ChangeKey Words Global Goals, Cameroon, Feminism, GBV, Sports, Volunteerism,...
Using purposeful play to advance the women and girls’ knowledge and agency
Country Democratic Republic of the Congo Organisation Umoja Sport FoundationKey Words Norms, Boundaries, Gender...
Sports for Life – Grassroots excellence for women and girls in India
Country India Organisation Naandi FoundationThemes Gender Equality and Gender Equity in and through PEPAS Empowerment...
Sports for development: The Nexus Between Sports and Women Empowerment
Country Kenya Organisation Haven of DreamsKey Words Equality, Empowerment, Sports, Mental Health, Resilience ...
Football for the empowerment and education of girls in rural Nepal
Summary/Overview AToot is a Sport for Development (S4D) programme that has been operating in Nepal since Atoot was...
Going for Gold: Using Sports to Promote SRH Education and Gender Equality and Address GBV
Summary/Overview EngendnerHealth’s Purposeful Play Programme is designed to inform and train participants on issues...
Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM): an evidence-based violence prevention program for young male athletes
Summary/Overview Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) is an evidence-based violence prevention programme that trains and...
Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM), an evidence-based violence prevention program for young male athletes
Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) is the only evidence-based violence prevention program that trains and motivates high...