Invitation to Join the Network of Expert Contributors
Network of Expert Contributors to a Global Knowledge Repository on Women, Girls and Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport
Advancing the empowerment, health and overall well-being of women and girls in all their diversity
The Global Observatory for Gender Equality and Sport (The Global Observatory) was established in July 2021, under the patronage of UNESCO and initially as an incubating association supported by the Government of Switzerland. The Swiss Confederation appointed the City of Lausanne, the Canton of Vaud and the University of Lausanne to ensure the conditions for its creation and development, as recommended in the Kazan Action Plan adopted in 2017 at the 6th International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI) and re-affirmed in the outcomes of MINEPSVII in June 2023.
Women and girls, in all their diversity face multiple and intersecting inequalities, therefore, the Global Observatory, aims to use its unique and strategic convening and coordination role, leveraging its diverse partnerships and networks, to address these systemic inequalities and inequities. Primarliy, the Global Observatory is a repository of strategic information, research and expertise on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in and through sport, physical education, and physical activity – (or sport+/PEPAS). Creating a knowledge pool on women, girls & gender related issues and bringing together diverse actors in sport in order to tackle them is why the Global Observatory was established.
The development of a knowledge pool at the Global Observatory enables the aggregating and standardisation of data in order to facilitate analysis and strong evidence to inform policy and action for girls and women in PEPAS. With the aim to obtain global and multidisciplinary coverage, the Global Observatory intends to convene a global network of researchers and experts to contribute to the repository, to advise the Global Observatory, and amplify key research across geographies and disciplines.
The Observatory Network of Expert Contributors
The Observatory Network of Expert Contributors (NEC) is comprised of independent researchers and representatives of research institutions, agencies, departments of public bodies, private and civil-society actors. The network convenes a broad and diverse group of stakeholders that engage with data and research to leverage their expertise and influence. These are stakeholders whose knowledge and fields of actions enable the Global Observatory to have a multidisciplinary approach and a reach that is truly global in its geographic representation.
Criteria to join the network
- Independent researchers, research institutions, research networks, (public, private, civil society)
- Institutions with the resources to enable their participation (time, funds, expertise)
- Demonstrated capacity and expertise on Physical Education, Physical Activity, Sport (PEPAS), research, data infrastructure
- Geographic location and focus of work (a phased approach will prioritise reach of historically disadvantaged locations)
Examples of entities invited
Research centers, universities, thinktanks, government departments, independent researchers, NGOs and similar entities.
Participating institutions are independent of the GO. Participation in the initiative is based on a collaborative relationship.
Organization of the Network
Working Groups
The members of the Network participate in working groups that are organised according to thematic topic or geographic region. Working Groups are structured according to the focus thematic areas of the GO. Technical working groups including on indicators, data quality and ethics may also be convened. Additional groups are configured based on the needs and project activities as they emerge.
National and Regional Focal Points
To facilitate closer engagement and collaboration, clustering in national and regional groups will be enabled and coordinated through focal points. These are based in member institutions. These are not offices of the GO but rather contact points to ease coordination among network members and contributors.
Work Programme
The work programme and activities of the Network are developed in line with the mission and overall strategy and action plans of the GO.
The network members will participate in the following actions among others as will be agreed per defined period:
- Participate in working groups
- Contribute to review of publications
- Collate data and research in line with their expertise and regional context
- Participate in meetings of working groups
- Conduct and share research
- Publish resources and tools
- Contribute and participate in GO events
- Facilitate access to regional experts and platforms
The network mobilises institutions to commit to collaboration and promotion of the aims of the GO repository. Participation from institutions in areas where the GO is already developing partnerships and work programmes will be valuable.
Value for Members
The network will facilitate connections and access to experts for mutual learning. Contribute expertise and insights to participant events and projects and convene events specifically for the participants. We take inspiration from other organisations that operate with this type of contibutor model including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and UNESCO. The Global Observatory does not pay network members for their participation, the value contributed is non-financial.
The Global Observatory
- Provides a platform for research to reach appropriate users in policy and practice
- Facilitate academia and researchers to connect to practice institutions and bodies for shared action
- Contribute insights to inform research by academia
- Cooperate on research on gender equality, physical education, physical activity and sport
- Facilitate knowledge exchange between academia and sport (skills, practices, data etc)
- Circulate data and research to a wide audience
- Facilitate and encourage reflection and conceptual advancement on gender equality, physical education, physical activity and sport
Recruitment Process
Members of the network will be recruited through the following actions:
- Targeted invitations
- Invitations through partner and stakeholder organisations
- Promotion at events
- Open invitation on the GO social media and website
Join the Network
Fill the Expression of Interest form below to indicate your interest in being part of the network. Please share this call with colleagues and networks that may be interested in this initiative.
Please feel free to contact us for any further information:
We invite research actors across the world to join our global network of researchers and experts to contribute to the development and content of our repository, to advise the Global Observatory, and amplify key research across geographies and disciplines.